I know this is a ways, but mark your calendars and come experience
Bug Day on Saturday, April 25, from 10am-2pm at the
Randall Museum in SF. Chef Scott Bowers from
B.A.B.E.S. (Bay Area Bug Eating Society) will be there cooking up some tasty insects. Check out his site for pictures, stories, recipes, nutrition facts, and more!
Bring your friends, family, strangers...I will also be stopping by to check out the event, so I hope to see and talk to many of you there! Email me, Rosanna, at minilivestock@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to meet up at the museum. Thanks!
More info below from the Bug Day! flyer:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
10 AM to 2 PM
Stroke Silk Worms, Meet Bug Scientists, Create Insect Art, Cheer Exciting Maggot Races, Buggy movies in the Theater, and Compete in Insect Olympics! Bug jazz by the HONEY TONES!
Free Admission!!!
$3 Donation Encouraged
199 Museum Way
San Francisco, CA
here for directions or
here for a map.
Bug Day is partially underwritten with a generous donation from THE BERNARD OSHER FOUNDATION
Co-sponsored by
San Francisco Recreation & Park Department
Randall Museum Friends
San Francisco Beekeepers Association