Here are some pictures from the event yesterday. You can also
see more and add us as a friend here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/minilivestock/. If there is a picture that you would like, let me know and I can send you a higher res version.

Also, if you have pictures you would like to
add to the Minilivestock Flickr gallery or would like to
share your bug eating experience in our Mini-Stories by Mini-Readers, please don't hesitate to email

Thanks to Scott and Keith from the
B.A.B.E.S. (Bay Area Bug Eating Society) for letting me hang out with them at their cooking station where they were cooking up some tasty fried mealworms and crickets. They were nice enough to share their table with Minilivestock...the free buttons, zines, recipe cards went quickly (sorry I only have a limited supply right now, but will have more at future related events and farmers markets). Check out Scott's site for more photos, stories, and nutritional bug facts.

It was nice to see families, the young, and seasoned trying out some cooked crickets and mealworms. I can say that it was widely well received, and those who were initially hesitant ended up eating a few more. It was also awesome to see some kids continuously come back to grab handfuls of bug snacks!

If you missed this year's Bug Day at the Randall Museum, I highly suggest you make it out there next year. There were so many cool activities, things to see, and of course, to eat.

Hopefully, this event has generated more interest in Entomophagy. If you think you may be interested in participating in future insect-eating dinners with Minilivestock, please email me. Thanks!

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