The dinner had a great turn out. Thanks to all who brought something tasty, helped cook, and showed up! I appreciate everyone's support, great conversation, and hungry stomachs. It was fun!
People made some tasty dishes...Matthew brought some
ginger and garlic tofu and Ann brought in
seaweed tapenade. My friends, Jeremy and Nori, surprised me with some live snails, which my roommate Cherilyn prepared with some garlic. My roomate Vy made spring rolls with tofu and shrimp (a relative to insects). Sister Emily and friend Kien made some mini "chocolate chirp cookies" (made with cricket flour), which was a hit. I had a lot of help from friends in prepping and making this happen, and it was fun cooking and spending time together. Hopefully, next time I'll have become a better chef by then!
I'll be posting more pictures as they come trickling in, but here is a little sneak preview for now. Also, if you have any stories you want to share about the dinner or eating insects in general, we would love to hear about it. Thanks to everyone for making this dinner memorable.
A portion of the food at the feast. In this picture you can see the cricket flour pesto pasta, the superworm chex mix, and some of the okonomiyaki with cricket flake garnish (close up pictures coming soon).

Chocolate covered crickets prepared by Jenn and Law. A definite crowd pleaser.

Escargot with garlic.

Superworm tempura. Watch out for hot oil explosions.

A few of the satisfied feasters.