Super tired after class, so I threw together a quick dinner. I wanted something a little more nutritious than just plain mac n cheese, so I threw in some protein. Almost no preparation was needed. I froze the worms while the mac was boiling, and by the time the mac was finished, the worms were ready to be taken out of the freezer and cooked. Instead of making worm flour this time, I decided to try dicing them instead.

I used Trader Joe's Organic Shells and White Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese and sauteed some garlic, onion, basil, parsley, pepper, and superworms.
The superworms didn't taste like much since the garlic was overpowering. The texture reminded me of the popped kernel skins (you know, the thin tan-colored parts that get stuck in your teeth) when you eat popcorn. That, or onion skin...sorry, those are the best ways I can describe it. You'll have to try them yourself! YUM!
In terms of taste wise, how would you describe how it tasted aside from the texture?
And these were the super worms, not the mealworms.. right?
taste wise, i think most people usually say they have a nice nutty flavor.
yes, these are superworms, not mealworms. they're larger and their exoskeletons are a little harder.
this book i have, Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects, says that mealworms taste like whole wheat bread.
i haven't had the mealworms yet, so i don't know if they really do taste like whole wheat bread or if they taste like the superworms. i'll let you know soon!
ew why are you so gross rosanna. i'll donate some money to the (FRF) feed rosanna foundation and you can buy yourself a cheesyburger!
PS di has some you want those? you should try eating sea monkeys.
actually, it's the flat kernel-skin type-pieces after it's popped, not the actual whole kernel. and yes, they come back out in whole worm form (like in the terminator).
thanks jenny, but no thanks on the ants for now. only maybe if they haven't been eating any insecticides...i would fancy some sea monkeys though...why don't you drive here and bring them up? oh wait, they'll never make it!
you should throw a 3-course mealworm dinner party. the pasta looks yummy.
thanks, it was really simple. i was actually thinking of having a little dinner with some friends...maybe we can all chip in to get a good amount of insects or have a bring your own insects but cook at my place potluck? i can help people in harvesting them if they need assistance. what do you think?
seems like it would be a good contrast, the crunch w/ the smooth pasta...kinda like bacon bits. I've had mealworms before, but i don't think they were 'super-worms'...
don't you know? superworms are nature's bacon bits. where did you have mealworms?
when i was leaving my old job my coworkers gave me mealworms to eat on my last day. Why? I don't have that answer. what i will say is that they weren't half bad, especially seasoned with a bit of salt from the kitchen. bring on the potluck =)
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